University House is the registered business name of University Club Inc. and is governed by a committee elected annually by the Ordinary Members. Day-to-day management and administration are in the hands of the General Manager who is appointed by the Committee. Members are encouraged to express their views about any aspect of the amenities or service either verbally or in writing to the Manager or Committee members. A suggestion book, located beside the visitor’s book in the entrance area, is available for use by members.


Joy Damousi
(Faculty of Arts)

Jennifer Henry
Vice- President (Advancement)

Ross Bathgate
Honorary Secretary
(Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences)

Judi Humberstone
Honorary Treasurer
(Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences)

Prof. Katrina Skewes McFerran
(Faculty of Fine Arts and Music)

Frank Larkins
(Faculty of Science)

Hans Baer
(Faculty of Arts)

Duane Hamacher
(Faculty of Science)

Glenn Swafford

Lea Rose
(Faculty of Science)

Linda Goldsmith
(Legal Services)

David Wood